Dolby, the Stereo Bug Dolby is a Stereo Bug. More properly, he is what happens when you (meaning I) get ahead in a circuits class. He was born on a sunny Summer afternoon in 2003 from an operational amplifier integrated circuit, a couple of capaciters, and not a few resisters. These parts were left overs on a project I had finished the week before; my partner and I were done (with a task that normally doesn't get finished on time, let alone early) and had two weeks of nothing to do. So I did this. There were other creations, but Dolby was the first and favorite; when I gave the others away, he alone was kept. When I take over the world, Dolby shall sit at my right hand.

Dolby has lots of adventures with his friend Clive, the Sheep.

© Copyright: Sir Derrick Lyndon Pallas. All rights reserved.
org DOT silverknight AT pallas